The Stanwood Manor Community Pool is open seasonally from Memorial Day (end of May) to Labor Day (beginning of September) or until a week of consecutive inclement weather.
Swimming Pool Rules
Please note that in addition to the normal fines association with violations, multiple violations in a season may result, at the Association’s discretion, in revocation of pool privileges for the remainder of the season.
REMINDER: we are required by law to test the pool chlorine levels 3 times per day, every day that the pool is open. Should the inspector check our log and find that this is not being done, our pool could be closed. Please, upon entering the pool enclosure, check the log to determine if the checks have been done for the day or not. If not, take a couple of minutes to quickly check and note the results in the log.
Residents may bring up to four guests. No guests may be in the pool without the unit resident present. Residents and their guests must be respectful of the needs of residents living near the pool area.
The pool hours are 10 am through 10 pm during the pool season
Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by the adult resident of the unit
• No alcoholic beverages
• No illegal drug use
• Only non-breakable containers are permitted
• Food and beverages are not permitted in the pool itself
• Food and beverages should be positioned in the enclosure area to avoid the possibility of spilling into the pool
Waste Products
Fine: $250
• Users unable to control their urine or bowels must wear water diapers in the pool
• Chemicals / hazardous materials are not permitted in the pool or the area surrounding the pool
Public Safety
Fine: $250
Please note compliance failure may result in pool closure for the season if found during an inspection by the State
• The safety rope must be in place at all times with the exception of lap swimming
• Upon completion of lap swimming, the safety rope must be put back in place
• The safety rope should not be used for any activity except as a barrier marker
• Safety apparatus (poles, safety ring) in the pool area must remain in place except for lifesaving activity
• The emergency cell phone is for 911 calls. Do not tamper with the phone or the housing for the phone
General Use
• Garbage should be deposited in the waste container in the parking lot
• Lawn furniture and toys left by residents must be in good repair
• No running within the enclosure
• No diving
• Swimming attire must be acceptable by publicly maintained pool standards
• No spitting in the pool or enclosure
• No smoking in the pool or enclosure
• No pets in the pool or enclosure except for trained assistance animals
• Suntan oils and creams must be toweled off before entering the pool
• No corded electrical devices in the pool or enclosure
• Battery powered radios may be used on the lawn area of the enclosure
• Noise requests by residents must be complied with immediately
• Toys / floatation devices must be removed from the pool when exiting
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